Wednesday, 8 April 2015

Diary of a Doughty Bride-to-be!

Was it love, or just a hazy dream?
I wonder why I feel so indifferent and mean!
Love never dies, they say
So, was it all just a play?

I have a faint memory of when I laughed hard
It was ages ago I guess & now I am no less than a retard.
Love makes you selfless
But all I fear is my life getting lifeless.
I say living is an art & most people only exist.
But lately, I have grown to be a hopeless pessimist.
I sound like a housewife bordering on depression;
Can I really call it the love with divine sanction?
I fumble and tremble at the thought of a lifelong relation.
Do you think I need a vacation?
It seems to be an epiphany or somewhat similar
I was never in love because the differences have been polar
Insecurity it was that I had mistaken for love unbound
Insecurity of loosing a suitor I had found.
I am bound to be free!
The love business is going to be a short spree.
I know the world will call me a trut
Just because I won't yield to the rut.
But I am fine with being called anything
Because I know I was born for a reason beyond this fling
Pursuing what the plan has in store for me
Is what I am supposed to do to rise and see
The real need for one being born 
Saving myself from being torn.

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