Monday, 15 September 2014

10 Forgotten Truths About Happiness...

...that are so heartwarming that they would make you happy almost instantly :)

1. No one except you is ever responsible for your happiness and unhappiness alike.
Believe me, I have started incorporating it in my life genuinely! My husband is so lucky to have me! He never gets the blame ;)

2. Happiness is not what you search over internet in articles like this, it's something you search within.
Please don't leave this unread just because I said that. I really want you to read it.

3. Happiness does not need a reason to come, it needs a spirit.
You need not push your friends to get married so that you have a reason to be happy. Be happy just because you always have this pleasant option. Happiness for happiness' sake!

4. Happiness is a state of mind, not a phase or a situation of life.
So, you got a job that pays you fat cheques and you say it's your happiest phase! Dude, you gotta do something with that belief! Why mark a phase as happiest! Tag your mind, body and soul as happiest.

5. It's a complete lie to say that happiness cannot be bought. 
An orange ice-cream candy is happiness (replace it with whatever you like). You can buy it. ;) (Again, it's a state of mind, you can choose to be happy with whatever you buy!)

6. Even if you can buy it, it does not mean that the only way to get happiness is to buy it! There are always giveaways. Ask your heart!
Getting wet in the first rains and walking hand in hand with your beloved (Mind you! 'Beloved' does not necessarily intend a romantic relationship) is happiness that does not cost a penny.

7. Happiness does not need to be pure and infinite. Happiness is happiness even when it comes with a calamity or expiry date.
There's this XYZ, determined be to eternally happy, who is happy about a trip to Ireland. The trip would end at a certain date. But it still counts. There's ABC, determined to be eternally happy, who is happy about securing a job in a multinational but the friends of ABC are unemployed. The happiness still counts. Sorrow cannot dilute the effect of happiness. Happiness is a stand alone concept.

8. Happiness can be expressed through the color 'blue' too. Who says blue is only for 'blues?'
Wohoo! That's news :)

9. Happiness should never be associated with contentment. A discontented person can be happy too.
I am never content with how much I earn. But I am Happy. Period.

10. Happiness is no rocket science!
You need not learn theories on being happy. You just be happy. It's not herculean! Trust me, it's not! Or else you always have the option of pretence. It's a weapon. Pretend to be happy and you acquire a habit of being Happy. The best habit, indeed!


  1. Loved the pointers! and yes happiness can be blue. any color you want :) .

    1. Thank You, Tinu:) I rarely come here and it is a great pleasure to see you here.
