Wednesday, 26 November 2014

The Revelation

Absurdity all around
I hear this cryptic sound
of malice and might
that consumes my nights.

Monday, 13 October 2014

Human in a Humanless World

I am human in a humanless world

Or just a human am I in a humiliating dearth
Of humility and modesty
Of sense and sensibility.

Monday, 15 September 2014

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

10 Books that Messed with My Life...

...and yet it's a pleasant mess!

Good books, irrefutably, have the potential to shape the minds, the quirks, and the twists. 

Sunday, 31 August 2014

Thursday, 10 July 2014

Ponderous Thoughts to be Ponderously Pondered

Why take the unnecessary burden of steering your life yourself and stressing over deciding what destination and what route you want to take? Isn't it always better to have someone wise and prudent take the burden and you be at the receiving end of just the ‘just’ results?

Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Portrait of a Darling!

A small piece I wrote for my friend on her birthday. 

Like a bubble her mood elevates,
Like a tigress she fights with her mates,

Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Agony of a Frustrated Venusian Heart!

He did not love me
He fancied the smiling me.
He said he loved me
But I think it's just a spree.

Monday, 23 June 2014

The Epiphany

I was walking down the lane
When I felt the desire to tame
the world with charms 
I did not know how to spell.